When you find out what he will pay then you will have a better idea of your chances for selling it in your area. He will want to know a lot about the condition and will want several good pictures. Here is a link to a dealer that buys used jukeboxes and he likes Seeburg so you might contact him and see what he tells you. But, then again, your area may determine how quickly it would sell and also the end dollar amount. If so, then it is a popular model and should sell for several hundred (maybe thousands) even if it needs repairs. Is this the same model as your machine?. No matter how you wish to "sell" it you will need lots of very good pictures (we are not even seeing the front of the machine so we may be guessing at the model) as anyone looking to pay even a low price will want to see lots of pictures. If this box is not in very good condition then you may want to contact a dealer to see if they might be interested in buying. Dealers will ship their sold jukeboxes and will sometimes pay for shipping pick up if they find a bargain in a machine they can restore. Most individual sellers will list items as "local pick up only" so if jukeboxes are popular in your area then the value will be higher than in a smaller community that would never even look at a box. Location is very important as shipping is very expensive and the average "buyer" will not want to add several hundred dollars to ship an item they have not seen. Value of these machines is determined by several things so when looking for value you have to try and find this model (HF100?) in about the same overall cosmetic condition, sound (speakers in good or excellent condition), plays well, coin operation still working, and also, a very important factor - location. There has never been a better time to purchase a used jukebox and the amount of enjoyment they will provide for you and your family is immeasurable.It is difficult to help you find a value as you do not state anything about the overall condition of this machine and only state that it "plays". Own your own CD jukebox now while they are still available. We service what we sell and offer a 30 day warranty on parts with phone tech support. Extension speakers can be added but are not included. Optional bill acceptor is also available for most models for an additional $300.00. #Rowe ami cd jukebox value free#
These jukeboxes can be set to play free or used with coins. Each song selected is stored in memory and played back in order selected or in number sequence. Simply select the two digit CD number and track selection to play your favorite song. They are easy to operate and provide a place to store and have easy access to your record or CD collection. Jukeboxes are also becoming a staple for home game rooms and will become the center of your musical entertainment. They fit well in lounges, campgrounds, laundry mats, restaurants, youth centers or any place people gather. These jukeboxes can be used in commercial businesses as a great income producer while providing music for customers. Each jukebox comes loaded with 100 quality CDs or 45 rpm records. We have used Rowe/AMI CD jukeboxes and a few Rowe/AMI 200 selection 45 rpm jukeboxes available. Used Coin Operated 45 RPM and CD Jukeboxes For Sale in very good working condition for businesses and home game rooms.
Each jukebox comes complete with 100 good selection, country and pop CDs. Used Coin Operated Rowe/AMI CD 100F Jukebox for sale in very good working condition for businesses or can be set on free play for home game rooms.